Tuesday, October 5, 2010

People I Love

My collage is about the People I Love. In the beginning I was going to do the things I love like YouTube, facebook, and drake but then I thought I would dedicate it to the people in my life. I used pictures of my family, my friends and my cousins too. Most of these pictures were taken on a digital camera or on my phone.

For this project I used many different tools and colors. The theme for my collage is green and purple. I choose this theme because purple is my favorite color and green goes very well with it. I edited most of my pictures by changing the hue, using layer masks and curves. Two of my pictures are purple because I changed the layer mask color and added a purple background to them. Most of my pictures were very dark so I added a lot of color so that they could pop out a little more.

 All these people are in my life and they are always around me so I put them around my picture. I tried to make the pictures the same size but some are a lot bigger than other. They are also in different shapes like rectangles and squares. Overall, I was happy with the outcome of my collage.

1 comment:

  1. Shiru's collage "People I Love" incorporates color, text, space, and a radial layout in the composition. It is about her family and the people that she loves as it says in the text. My immediate impression of her collage was that she appreciates the people that she loves and wanted to make a visual representation of it.
    Shiru used the color purple throughout the piece and it draws attention to the main focus of the collage at the center of the page. The focus is also drawn to the center by the radial layout of the pictures in the collage. The usage of text helps the viewer to understand who is where in the collage.
    The theme of this work is quite obviously about the people that are important to Shiru. I assume that Shiru associates the feeling of happiness when it comes to the people that are important to her. Shiru must have created this word as a representation of her relationships with these people.
    My thoughts and feelings about this collage have not changed since my first impression because my opinion of this design was based mainly on the reasons for the subject matter and why it was chosen instead of how the collage was put together. This decision is what made the piece successful. One thing that could have been improved would have been some color choices. Green does look good with purple, but it is very difficult to read as a font with a purple background. Also, some of the pictures might have looked better if instead of using a purple layer mask on them you used a color replacement tool. All in all, I liked this collage and thought that you did a rather nice job on it. Keep up the good work!
